We are dedicated to making quality beeswax candles along with other skin loving bath products. All hand made with love. We are a small, family operated business and we greatly appreciate you visiting our website!
We have a few LilAdaira Farms only coupon codes available!
Free shipping on all orders over $75.
10% off all orders over $40
I love LilAdaira products! Not only are they made by genuinely kind people, but they work! Recently my 3 year old son caught Hand Foot and Mouth Disease at preschool. Jenelle gave us some of her homemade body butter and it was the ONLY thing that helped with my son’s itchies. Not even Calamine worked! Can’t say enough good about LilAdaira. I’m definitely a believer! ♥️ Your body butter helps with red ant bites too! I got bit 3 times today and that took the sting out in less than 5 minutes! ♥️♥️♥️
Mermaid Sequins whipped soap! I love this! I keep it in my bathroom for hand washing and the smell is so clean, my grandkids love the color and the way it feels ! ❤️
I have sensitive skin and most soaps dry my skin out horribly. LilAdaira soaps do not! They are quick to respond and are so easy to work with. Highly recommend this company!
I was up in Donner hiking a section of the Pacific Crest Trail. It was high elevation and full exposure to the sun and I forgot my sunscreen and my long sleeve shirt for cover. Needless to say, I got fried. Now, knowing you have a family of light skinned redheads, I know you know what that means. I was redder than a boiled lobster at the end of the hike. Normally, when I get that burnt I blister (water blisters) and get cold sores on my lips, and suffer the pain for a few days. Well, I came home and used your nice smooth soap, put some rose lotion bar on my worse spots, and slathered my lips with your Beeswax lip balm. Between that and my aloe vera gel, I never hurt or got blisters or cold sores. It was like a miracle. Your ears had to be burning all week because I was sending you my thanks every day when I put all that on. Luckily, I still have enough to get me through summer if I'm stupid enough to let that happen again.
We are dedicated to making quality beeswax candles along with other skin loving bath products. All hand made with love in small batches. We are a small, family operated business and we greatly appreciate you visiting our website!
We have a few coupon codes available!
Free shipping on all orders over $75.
10% off all orders over $40
BUY5GET1BB -Use to buy 5 bath bombs get 1 free
BUY5GET1LIP -Buy 5 lip balms, get one free
BUY5GET1SOAP -Use code to buy 5 soaps, get 1 free
All sales are final. No returns or exchanges.